Disclaimer: Please note that some organisations do not send volunteers to all projects listed on this web page. Contact your local organisation to get a list of the volunteering positions for which you may apply.

Enhancing Youth Participation: UDINUS

Long term type HelpLTEG
Project themeOthers
Project language(s)English
Local language(s)Malay, Indonesian
Durationminimum 2 months
Application infovolunteer will get a decision about his/her application within 7 working days
Project descriptionInteraction in English with University students as a method to promote IVS and global education. Organized together with UDINUS (Universitas Dian Nuswantoro). 1. Share visions of both partners through sharing knowledge of both local partners to the volunteer. Aim of the project: To promote IVS and global education 2. Open access for students of UDINUS for global knowledge and voluntary service
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