Disclaimer: Please note that some organisations do not send volunteers to all projects listed on this web page. Contact your local organisation to get a list of the volunteering positions for which you may apply.

Khoksalung Village

Long term type HelpLTEG
Project themeArt, culture, history
Project language(s)English
Local language(s)English
Work start2025-05-30
Work end2025-06-30
Application deadline2025-01-31
Decision date2025-02-02
Project descriptionWould you join the local Craft Products and agro- tourism lifestyle of Thai Bueng community? We have 25 years of experience and dedication of activities for kids and newcomers. You will participate in the community-based tourism and join local crafts production like weaving and organic agriculture in the very safe, warm and beautiful environment of the village. You would be welcome to support English teaching as a communication tool for locals.
Full descriptionN/A